Delightful Corned Beef & Cabbage with Irish Mustard Sauce











Celebrate St. Patrick's Day or satisfy your craving for European flavors with this exquisite Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe, complemented by a homemade Irish Mustard Sauce. This dish, rich in protein and flavor, is not only a feast for the taste buds but also gluten-free!


Step 1: Preparing the Corned Beef

Start your culinary adventure by placing the corned beef in a large Dutch oven and covering it with water. Bring it to a boil to release any impurities, then drain and return it to the pot with fresh water. This is a crucial step to ensure the beef is tender and flavorful. Add the onion, carrot, parsley, bay leaf, and some pepper to infuse the meat with aromatic flavors as it simmers. The initial boiling and draining are key to removing excess salt from the corned beef, making it a succulent base for your meal.
Pro Tip: Leave a slight fat cap on the corned beef for extra juiciness.

Step 2: Simmering the Corned Beef

After adding the aromatic vegetables and herbs, bring your corned beef concoction back to a gentle boil before reducing it to a simmer. Cover and let it simmer for 4 hours. This slow cooking process is what makes the corned beef incredibly tender and allows all the flavors from the onion, carrot, parsley, and bay leaf to meld beautifully. Remember to skim off any foam that forms on the surface for a clear, beautiful broth. The result? Corned beef that's not only tender but bursting with layers of flavor.
Pro Tip: Occasionally skim off the foam for a clearer broth.

Step 3: Adding Vegetables

The last half hour of cooking is where the magic happens. You'll add potatoes first, letting them simmer for 10 minutes before introducing cabbage wedges to the mix. This ensures everything cooks evenly, resulting in perfectly tender vegetables that still retain a bit of bite. It's essential not to overcook them, as you want to preserve some texture against the softness of the corned beef. This gives the dish an excellent contrast in textures and flavors, all melding together in harmony.
Pro Tip: Cut your vegetables in uniform sizes for even cooking.

Step 4: Creating the Irish Mustard Sauce

While your main dish simmers to perfection, it's time to whip up the Irish Mustard Sauce. Start by mixing cornstarch, sugar, dry mustard, and a pinch of salt in a saucepan, then gradually stir in water and simmer until thickened. The real kicker? Incorporating a mix of vinegar, butter, and a dash of horseradish into the sauce, followed by tempering egg yolks into the mixture. This process ensures a silky, rich sauce that perfectly complements the savory corned beef and vegetables. The tangy, creamy mustard sauce is a must-try, elevating the dish to new heights.
Pro Tip: Stir constantly to avoid lumps in your sauce.

Step 5: Serving the Feast

After hours of simmering, your Corned Beef and Cabbage with Irish Mustard Sauce is ready to be devoured. Carefully transfer the meat and vegetables onto a serving platter, draping the luscious mustard sauce over the top or serving it on the side for dipping. The vibrant colors of the vegetables shine next to the pink hue of the corned beef, making it not only a treat for the palate but a feast for the eyes as well. It's a dish that's sure to impress, embodying the heartwarming essence of home-cooked meals.
Pro Tip: Slice the corned beef against the grain for maximum tenderness.
