Autumn Comfort in a Bowl: Easy Veggie Lentil Soup











Dive into the coziness of Autumn with this heartwarming Veggie Lentil Soup. It's hearty, nutritious with a subtle balance of flavors, making it a perfect gluten-free meal for those chilly evenings. Each serving packs protein and vitamins, all under 150 calories!


Step 1: Preparing the Soup Base

Gather all your fresh veggies - sliced tomatoes, diced carrots, celery, and that juicy onion. Imagine them blending together in a symphony of flavors! Start by combining these beautiful veggies with the garlic and lentils in a large pot. Pour in the robust vegetable stock and gently toss in the bay leaf, which will be our secret flavor weapon. The imagery of all these ingredients coming together is just the start of something wonderful. Now, let's bring our concoction to a rolling boil.
Pro Tip: Add the bay leaf on top to easily remove it later.

Step 2: Simmering the Soup

After the soup has reached a boil, it's time to turn down the heat to low. This is when the magic happens - a gentle simmer that melds the flavors together into a cozy embrace. Let it simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally to make sure everything is cooking evenly. Think of it as giving your soup a gentle hug with your spoon. This step is crucial for achieving that creamy texture and depth of flavor we're after. And don't forget, this is the perfect time to fish out the bay leaf!
Pro Tip: Stir gently to keep the vegetables intact.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

As our soup nears completion, it's transformed into a hearty, savory meal that's brimming with nutrients. For those who enjoy a cheesy twist, now is the moment to sprinkle in the grated cheese, which will melt beautifully into the soup, adding a delightful creaminess. Whether you're cuddling up with a good book or gathering around the dining table with family, this Veggie Lentil Soup is ready to be served and savored. It's not just a meal; it's a warm hug in a bowl.
Pro Tip: Let the soup sit for 5 minutes after adding cheese for best results.
