Homestyle Braised Beef: A Gluten-Free Delight











Looking for a cozy and comforting dinner that's both gluten and dairy-free? Try our Homestyle Braised Beef recipe. It's packed with tender, juicy beef simmered to perfection, making it a family favorite that satisfies with every bite.


Step 1: Prep the Scallion

Start your culinary adventure by preparing the green onions. Carefully cut the green part into 2-inch pieces, setting them aside for later use. This will not only add a pop of color to your dish but also a mild, sweet flavor that complements the beef beautifully.
Pro Tip: Use fresh scallions for the best flavor.

Step 2: Combine the Ingredients

In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients except for the beef, oil, and chicken stock. This is where the magic starts! The ginger, alongside your other selected seasonings, begins to meld together, forming the foundation of what will soon be an aromatic and flavorful sauce. Give it a good mix to ensure that all the flavors are well distributed.
Pro Tip: Mixing well ensures the flavors meld together.

Step 3: Brown the Beef

Heat the cooking oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Once the oil is shimmering, add the beef. You'll want to brown it quickly on all sides, locking in those juicy flavors and ensuring a glorious sear that not only adds taste but also visual appeal to your dish. This step is key to developing deep, complex flavors in your braised beef.
Pro Tip: Getting a good sear on the meat adds depth of flavor.

Step 4: Cook with the Seasoning Mix

Add the previously prepared mixture from the bowl to the skillet with the browned beef. Cook, stirring continuously to heat and blend the ingredients for about 3 minutes. This step ensures that the beef chunks are thoroughly coated with the aromatic spices and seasonings, setting the stage for a flavor-packed dish.
Pro Tip: Stir continuously for even cooking.

Step 5: Simmer with Stock

In a separate saucepan, heat the chicken stock until it's simmering, then add it to the beef mix in the skillet. Cover and let it simmer for 90 minutes to 2 hours, or until the meat is tender to your liking. This slow cooking process allows the beef to become incredibly tender and the flavors to meld together, resulting in a dish that's both comforting and delicious. Once done, slice the meat and serve it hot, accompanied by its own gravy, for a truly satisfying meal.
Pro Tip: Low and slow cooking makes the beef tender.
